domingo, 1 de março de 2009

" TODAY 'S FLOWERS " # 11 #


27 comentários:

Reader Wil disse...

Excellent photos! Magnificent!

Day4plus disse...

Beee-utiful!!! MB

Carletta disse...

Your flowers on the link page and these are absolutely beautiful!
You photographed them wonderfully!

VALKYRIEN disse...

Great shots of lovely flowers! So are the flowers on the link page!

Unknown disse...

Just beautiful. Love the flowers you posted as a Guest Friend too!!

Anónimo disse...

Nice series but I can't see Mr Linky on the main page of Today's Flowers.

david mcmahon disse...

Beautiful variety, great colours.

Anónimo disse...

Lovely flowers for today and such a variety

marie-louise disse...

Very pretty spring flowers. Love the colour. Also love your beautiful photo of the church on Flower's Today.

RA disse...

Beautiful flowers. So colorful and bright! I love them. Best wishes :)

Pat - Arkansas disse...

Your photos are lovely!! Congratulations on being the guest host for Today's Flowers. Your photos at the main site are excellent, also.

Rosamaria disse...


Fiquei encantada com tuas fotos, estão lindas!


Digital Polaroids disse...

Really beautiful Lurdes!

Anónimo disse...

Wonderful pictures and I love all of your flowers.
Very pretty and colourful!

Unknown disse...

Beautiful assortment of flowers.

Arija disse...

Such a wonderful collection to go with your beautiful feature photos!

Anónimo disse...

Beautiful flower photos, Lurdes!


v disse...

I'm happy to see that the first one is daffodils. They are my favorite flowers.Blossom Blooms

Judy disse...

I am so happy to see the daffodils!! Spring may be coming, but it still seems so far away!!

DeniseinVA disse...

What a super treat, so many colorful flowers, love them all.

Lara disse...

wonderful! the colours make our world better!

regina disse...

lurdes as suas fotos cada vez estão mais lindas.adorei.beijinhos

Race disse...

wow beautiful flowers here! nice capture!

Sandra Carvalho disse...

Bolas bolas!23 comentarios!Isso é que foi!LOL!Awesome captures!xoxo

Luiz Santilli Jr disse...

Amiga Lurdes,

Estou muito satisfeito porque sua postagem de "Guest Friend" foi um sucesso!
Foi sim, uma bela postagem!

Parabens e espero que continue conosco!


Jobove - Reus disse...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

Gemma Wiseman disse...

What radiant colours! Stunning!