quinta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2009



12 comentários:

i disse...

This is lovely!

Champ Townboy disse...

Great series!!

Mojo disse...

Wake up people! It's amazing how fast the sun seems to move when its on the horizon. Great series!

regina disse...

lindo lindo lindo.xau beijinhos

Jane Hards Photography disse...

Lovely sunflares.

Secret Mom Thoughts disse...

Nice sunrise shots.

Sandra Carvalho disse...

Very pretty sun pics! xoxo

Arija disse...

Nice sequence!

Romicas disse...

Que sequência linda do pôr-do-sol!
Obrigada pelo comentário à minha foto no SkywatchFr.


Joy0z disse...

Seeing the sun rising every day is a big blessing. Great capture.
Joyoz Photography

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens disse...

It is always a beautiful to see the rising sun. The day is still young full of promises.

The church and the different flowers you have posted as guest are very special and lovely.

v disse...

Hi ... I saw your Today's Flower. Mine is already up, too. Just waiting for the link to open ... blossom Blooms