quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009


Estas fotos foram tiradas na primeira semana de Janeiro,no local do meu
serviço...Pois quando vou entrar ao serviço ,às 17.30 é precisamente quando o sol está pôr-se ,dando-me a oportunidade de tirar estas magnificas fotos...

These pictures were taken on the first week of January at my work place...By the time I have to present my self at service (5h30pm) is the time that the sun is setting and it gives me the opportunity to take these amazing shots.

10 comentários:

Louise disse...

The light is very pretty through the trees.

Unknown disse...

gorgeous photos!
Tess (life is beautiful)

Naturegirl disse...

Indeed these are wonderful sunsets!

Mojo disse...

Amazing is a good word for them. It's also the word I use to describe how much faster the sun seems to move when it's on the horizon like that. I know it's going the same speed when it's overhead, but with no frame of reference it isn't visible. When it's on the horizon, you can actually watch it move!

Great captures!

Sandra Carvalho disse...

Gorgeous pics mom!
Nice job!Like you always do!

Jane Hards Photography disse...

Gorgeous little catches of the sun peeping.

Anónimo disse...

I love that time of the day! Great shots!

Small City Scenes disse...

Very pretty. First you see and then it's gone. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Gattina disse...

Beautiful ! looks like paintings !

Nélia Botelho disse...

Bonito entardecer!
Parabéns pelo belo momento
Votos de uma boa semana